Sure enough Grandpa had a kiss curl happening on his bald spot. I nearly choked on my dinner I was laughing so hard.
On more of a serious note Mr. Mica man got his next yellow stripe in jiu-jitsu. In jiu-jitsu they get a lot of stripes before colored belts. One more stripe and Mica will have his yellow belt. He was happy!
He's all serious. Mica's showing you the stripes he's tested for, and has.
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Very awesome on the achievements, and lol at grandpa's Superman likeness. I totally see it!! :)
I'll enroll my son in jiu-jitsu classes when he turns seven. Hopefully he'll be as successful as your son. :)
Yay congrats Mica!! :)
You got to admit Isaak is very observant I bet no one else noticed it LMAO
Congrats to Mica too ;-)
Thanks for sharing the pictures of your "Super" family and for stopping by.
Thanks for sharing the pictures of your "Super" family and for stopping by.
A kiss curl? Never heard that before, but I love it! My husband had one when we first met, but he is going bald. No kiss curl for him anymore lol
Congrads on your son's achievement. Grandpa certainly looks like Superman:)
Oh the superman curl is adorable!
congratulations on the stripe. My little on is in Karate, so they advance in belts as they master the next level Kata.
Kiss curl, I love it!
Such a darling observation! And congrats to Mica on the yellow stripe! I'm looking into starting Brazilian jiu-jitsu soon. :)
way to go Micaaa...and cute curls as well :)...
Congratulations! Everyone must be proud!
--Purrs and woofs from Life with Dogs and Cats.
I hope your boys stay at the martial arts. My kids did, and the self defence skills they learned are valuable. It also taught them self discipline, and provided a very positive influence and good role models.
I'm confused - hasn't he been in karate for a while....and he hasn't even gotten his yellow belt yet? My boys get belt tested every 3 months and he had his yellow 3 months after he started. you guys must do it way differently. From what I can tell from other friends around here that have kids in marial arts, 3 months between cycles is pretty typical.
Oh, I love the cute comparison of Grampa to Superman. It's close. :) Congrats. to Mica on his new belt - a great accomplishment!
Congrats to Mica! LOL over the curl.
He does look serious! I remember the stripes before the solid colored belt. Unfortunately it's been a long time since my son has taken any martial arts classes. Thanks for the linky and have a great Wednesday!
Congratulations to Mica! I remember when my oldest was in martial arts and how exciting it was when she graduated to another belt or stripe. She has her black belt now and is too busy to continue with it. But, she may take it back up when she is in college. Have a great Wednesday!
Aww well done to Mica :) hehe to grandpas curl :)
Awesome, Mica! Congrats!
Whoo Hooo Congrats Mica. And LOL to the Kiss curl going on.
Well done, Mica! And I love the kiss curl on your very own Superman!
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