Monday, April 15, 2013

OraMD Review and Giveaway {3 Winners}

I had the chance to try out OraMD; in replace to my usual toothpaste.

I've been skeptical of toothpaste brands such as Crest and Colgate. Why you might ask? Because they have an FDA warning right on the tube. I'm brushing my teeth with something that tells me it's dangerous to swallow. I don't care how much I rinse, some toothpaste is going to get swallowed. I really worry about toothpaste getting swallowed with my kids.

I have been on the the hunt for a toothpaste that doesn't have an FDA warning on the back of it. Something that is natural. I've tried a few things I like.

OraMD was too strong for Isaak. I think more than one drop went on his toothbrush than I intended. He didn't like it. When I used it, it was strong, but for the first time in a long time my mouth felt really clean. During allergy season I have problems with my mouth being dry. During this time of year I'm such a mouth breather. That clean feeling lasted ALL DAY LONG after using OraMD.

Features and Benefits:
  • 100% pure liquid toothpaste, mouthwash and breath freshener.
  • Contains only all-natural 100% pure ingredients - oils of peppermint, almond and spearmint.
  • Fights bacteria, which helps your body.
  • Ingredients help create and maintain a clean and healthy environments in your mouth. 
  • It gets between your teeth and hard to clean areas.
  • Leaves your mouth feeling fresh.
  • Alcohol and Flouride free. I've read many articles online that are against Flouride use.
  • No GMO's (Genetically Modified Organisms).
  • No abrasives like silica, found in nearly all toothpastes. If you want your teeth whiter, just add baking soda to your toothbrush.
  • Safe for braces, veneers, bonds, crowns, fillings and dentures.
Dentist Endorsements:
  • OraMD is Endorsed by Dr. Tom McGuire, a world-renowned dentist.
  • Dentists worldwide recommend OraMD.
  • If you look this product up online there are many positive reviews.
  • Manufacturer has a 12 year track record with selling over 1/2 a million bottles and a A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau.

The manufacturer is willing to offer my readers one FREE bottle. They said they would love to have our readers try out OraMD and agreed to send one bottle FREE if our readers would pay a minimal shipping and handling charge.  They also agreed to include 2 eye-opening reports called 1) “The 6 Hidden Dangers In Toothpaste” and 2) “Why The FDA Requires A Warning Label On Your Toothpaste.”  That’s a total value of over $40.00.  Click here to get your FREE bottle and FREE reports now.

Like OraMD on Facebook.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: The opinions on the post are my personal take on the product. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. I am not compensated to provide my opinion except for receiving the products themselves to test out. I did receive a free product to help with this giveaway.
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Eat To Live said...

I am concerned about all the things they put into toothpaste. I try to go natural.

Unknown said...

I concerned about the fluoride

mail4rosey said...

I already have this, so I won't enter, but I'll share it. I like this product.

FrangiePani said...

I was concerned about fluoride and now use a fluoride-free natural toothpaste

Unknown said...

Yes i wonder if it is safe with all the whitening agents etc they put in them now, what if granddaughters swallow too much? Now that i have dentures, i mainly brush the gums and of course the teeth are not

~ Noelle said...

i do... but the natural always taste so weird to me... said...

I would like to try this one. We have not used a flouride toothpaste for over 14 years. At present, we use Desert Essence w/tea tree and neem. Like it - but we are always open to suggestions. Thanks.

Theresa Mahoney said...

I have heard some really great things about these products!

Annamarie Aquino said...

I am concerned about the things inside my toothpaste.

Jessica To said...

I always wonder what they put in it, but just keep using them.

Unknown said...

I haven't in the past but recently I have been paying more attention to not just things I eat and drink but those I put in my mouth, on my skin, ect.

Maryea said...

I'm also concerned about the ingredients. I prefer to go natural. Sometimes my teeth are sensitive too.

Unknown said...

YES! I would like to find a great toothpaste that is natural.

frugalistamommy said...

I was concerned about all of the health risks that have been associated with flouride- I have tried using just baking soda and peroxide, but, YUCK!

Unknown said...

Same thoughts we have:-) we are also doing oil pulling:-)


The opinions on this blog are my personal take on products and topics relating to motherhood. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me.

I am not compensated to provide opinions on a variety of topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are my own. If I claim to show knowledge of certain topic or product I will only endorse products or services that I feel, based on my expertise, are worthy of such endorsement.

If you have any questions about this blog, or want to get in contact with me please email me at: