Monday, May 24, 2010


  • Isaak had his two year check up today.
  • On the way there I had a back seat driver. Mica said, "Mommy, remember to not turn on Harrison Street. Turn on Giles Road!" He's his Daddy's son with directions, that's for sure!
  • Isaak was so good at the doctor's office. No tears. The last time he cried when they weighed him and measured him. For some odd reason he was always afraid of the changing stations when we went places. I think the bench they make them sit on reminded him of a changing table.
  • Isaak weighs 25.3, which is in the 16%. He is 35.5 for height, which is in the 79%. His head circumference is 46.7, which is in the 8%.
  • The doctor always pays attention to the head circumference a lot because of the meningitis Isaak had at 2 months. He's fine with all that.
  • Isaak does everything pretty much on task. Except for saying, "I" and "Me". He still refers to himself as, "Isaak".


Felicia said...

They are so cute!! So sweet about the back seat driver as well. I have one of those!

Unknown said...

So glad the checkup went well!

Lately Lucas will tell me "Momma, I sick. Need ice n go to doctor" LOL

Of course, he's not sick. What he wants is attention and since he's so cute and a total momma's boy...he usually gets it ; )

An Apel a Day said...

There is nothing wrong with attention! LOL

Mica likes going to the doctor too!


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